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How to Improve Your Reading Skills

June 26, 2023
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Reading is one of the most important skills that you can develop in your life as it will open up a world of knowledge for you, no matter what field you work in or what type of person you are – having strong reading skills is essential for success in many areas of life! In this article we’ll discuss how to improve your reading skills so that you can learn faster, retain more information and become an expert reader!

Identifying Your Reading Goal

Before starting on your journey towards improving your reading skills, it’s important to identify exactly what it is that you want to achieve by increasing your literacy rate or understanding material quicker than before? Are there certain topics or books that are particularly difficult for you? Or do you just want to read faster overall? Once these questions have been answered, then it’s time to start developing strategies towards achieving these goals!

Making Time to Read

One key step towards improving your reading skills is making time for regular practice – often people find themselves too busy with other tasks such as work or school responsibilities and don’t dedicate enough time towards their own development in terms of learning new things through books or magazines etc.. Being able find the right balance between school/work life and leisure activities is key here – if possible try carving out an hour every day dedicated solely towards improving your literacy rate – this could be anything from dedicated readings sessions on certain topics, brushing up on grammar rules (if necessary) or even just exploring different genres of literature!    

Finding the Right Books for You   

One thing worth noting when attempting to improve any skill related task such as reading is finding the right type of material which best suits both your interests and current level/ability – this could range from fiction novels all the way through non-fiction accounts about history or science depending on what area/subjects interest you most! Having some form guidance when searching for appropriate topics could also be beneficial here (for example consulting with teachers at school about potential books to read could be a great way to start!).  

Take Notes as You Read

As you progress through your chosen book or magazine/paper, it’s important to take notes of any key points which stand out or which may have been difficult for you during the reading process – this will help you remember the material better and can provide reference points if needed later on! Note taking can also help strengthen your comprehension skills as it encourages active learning instead of passive absorption.       

Develop a Regular Reading Routine  

An effective way to cement your knowledge and ensure that more information is retained during reading sessions is establishing a regular routine – this involves setting up specific times throughout the day dedicated towards readings and sticking to it! For example, dedicating 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening towards reading can be a great way of incorporating literacy development into everyday life.      

Practice Active Reading Strategies

When attempting to improve one’s reading ability, simply ‘reading’ isn’t enough; active engagement with words is essential for understanding and retaining complex material. This means engaging with text such as underlining key phrases or ideas, highlighting sections that are confusing or even summarizing sections into main points – these methods will allow readers to become more familiar with certain topics and thus increase their overall comprehension rate when tackling harder pieces.    

Diversify the Types of Materials You Read

One final tip for improving reading skills is diversifying what type of material you read; by exploring different genres such as fiction novels one week then non-fiction accounts regarding historical events another week (or even magazines/newspapers) readers will be able to gain comprehensive experience across multiple platforms quickly thus increasing their overall understanding when approaching any form of literature!


In conclusion, improving your reading skills is an essential aspect of developing knowledge in various areas. By following these advice such as making time for readings sessions daily, finding suitable materials based on interests and level of capability along with incorporating active strategies into readings habits – readers will find themselves becoming faster & more efficient at comprehending any book or article thrown at them no matter how complex!

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